
Your donation — large or small – has the power to transform lives
by helping us provide critically needed health services
that can make an enormous impact in your own community.

Thank you for your support of Zufall Health!

Ways To Give

Online Gifts


Click the “Donate” button to make a donation through our secure server.

Mail or Telephone Gifts

Mail a check or money order payable to Zufall Health Foundation to:

Zufall Health Foundation
18 West Blackwell Street
Dover, NJ 07801

Call 973-328-9100, ext. 1361 to donate using a VISA or MasterCard.

Matching Gifts

Your company may support charities through a Matching Gift program. Contact your Human Resources Office to arrange a matching gift.

Planned Giving

Your donation can generate tax or estate benefits. Planned Giving options include:

  • Bequests
  • Appreciated Assets
  • Charitable Trusts
  • Gift Annuities

Gifts of Stocks

By donating securities, you will receive a charitable deduction for the stock’s full market value and will avoid paying taxes on the capital gains.

In-Kind Gifts or Services

We welcome suitable gifts of goods and services.

For additional information on how to make a donation to the Zufall Health Foundation,
please email Christine Bonney at or call 908-526-2335 ext. 1134.